
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beautiful People

I first heard about when I read an article about a journalist trying join the exclusive online community. If you haven't figured it out by now, its for beautiful people only. You apply with a photo of yourself and over 48 hours members decide if you are hot enough. Members of the opposite sex.
So anyway, this dude who wrote the article was rejected.
Of course he was. I saw his picture. He was way ugly. Where as I am like, way the opposite.
I would totally apply and have no worries but uh... I have to wash my dog after I finish writing this blog post. (Yes, beautiful people wash their dogs too). I'm not afraid of being rejected or anything I just don't have time (beautiful people don't sit around on the Internet all day, uglies.)
But seriously.
Obviously a lot of people would start screaming about how un-PC this website is, and how it encourages prejudice and one ideal of beauty, but I think it is an awesome concept.
I really do. The website is based on one cornerstone of human nature, people want to be with somebody they're attracted to.
So they're not bullshitting anyone. The terms and agreements are made explicit.
But the main reason I like this website is that it is absolutely brilliant. Pure genius.
The more people who apply for this and are accepted, the less out terrorising and disgusting innocent humans with their vanity and self absorption.
It provides a barrier between them and the outside world.
It protects other people from brainless, shallow zombies.
However, only an ugly person would say this right?
Fuck off, I could probably steal Helena Christensen's boyfriend. I just have to wash my dog first... then take out the garbage... and um, read some post-Soviet literature, then...

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