
Friday, January 8, 2010

Blackwater agrees to pay for killing Iraqi civilians

This private army which "roamed the streets of Baghdad killing innocent civilians" must be punished.

As Mehdi Abu Zaman says in the article, Iraqi blood is not cheap. Blackwater, which has renamed itself Xe (I wonder why...), is offering money to the families of those needlessly slaughtered. Money? What about jail sentences?

This is a disgusting display of the hypocrisy, impunity and greed of the US government in Iraq.

By the way, here is the number of Iraqi civilian deaths from 2003 to 2009: 94, 939 - 103, 588

The number of Iraq Coalition Military fatalities from 2003 to 2010 is 4691.

(please click the title of the post to go the article I am referring to)

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