
Monday, July 19, 2010

And we'll always be freaks and we'll never be like other people.

American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes, script by Alan Ball.
This is my favourite scene.

JANE: Why do you even care?

ANGELA: Because you're my friend!

RICKY: She's not your friend. She's somebody you use to feel better about yourself.

ANGELA: Go fuck yourself, psycho!

JANE: You shut up, bitch!

ANGELA: Jane! He is a freak!

JANE: Well, then so am I! And we'll always be freaks and we'll never be like other people. And you'll never be a freak because you're just too perfect.

ANGELA: Oh, yeah? Well, at least I'm not ugly.

RICKY: Yes, you are. And you're boring. And you're totally ordinary. And you know it.

Watch the scene here.

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